Trade group urges checks on white goods across private rental sector
Original Source: Letting Agent Today.
Original Author: Graham Norwood.
The Residential Landlords Association is urging checks on white goods in privately rented homes following the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
The association is urging checks on all appliances provided to tenants to ensure they are not subject to a recall or in need of modification – there are various recall websites but the RLA says registermyappliance.org.uk not only allows users to check their goods, but also allows them to register white goods and appliances, providing alerts of any recall or repairs programme.
Tests have established that a Hotpoint FF175BP fridge freezer was the initial source of the blaze, and the government has ordered an immediate examination of the unit by technical experts to establish the cause.
The product, which was manufactured between 2006 and 2009, has not been subject to product recalls and this testing will establish whether any further action is required.
The official advice is that anyone who may own a Hotpoint fridge freezer model number FF175BP (white) or FF175BG (grey) should call Whirlpool Corporation’s freephone hotline on 0800 316 3826.
On its website Hotpoint says: “We have been made aware that the recent fire at Grenfell Tower in West London may have originated in a Hotpoint branded fridge freezer, manufactured between March 2006 and July 2009, model numbers FF175BP (white) and FF175BG (graphite). Please check your model and serial number, usually located on a sticker behind the salad container, or look for the model data label on your appliance.”
The company then advises those who own the fridge freezers to fill in an online form and tells them they can expect further updates from the manufacturer about the action it will take.
They are also told to follow standard safety advice to avoid overloading plugs, ensure sockets are not damaged and check cables and leads are in good condition.
People with concerns about product safety can also call the Citizens Advice consumer service line on 03454 040506 or the government helpline on 0300 1231016.